We take for granted the convenience of power until we reach for a switch and it isn't working. Our homes are filled with televisions, kitchen appliances, computers, lights, and other appliances that all need electricity. If the electricity goes out or fails, it can be difficult and potentially dangerous. We have a few tips for what to do during a power outage.
Don’t Use Up Your Mobile Phone Battery If your power is out for an extended period of time, you want to save battery life in the event of an emergency. Put your phone on low power mode and only use it for necessary functions. Don’t Keep Electronics Plugged in A power surge when the power comes back on or during attempts for the power company to return service can damage electronics. You can either unplug your electronics from the sockets or use surge protectors to keep your electronics and appliances from getting damaged. Origen automatic standby generators come with a whole-house surge protector, and prevent this issue. Don’t Open the Fridge To make sure your food is kept cold, keep the refrigerator door closed. The seal on the appliance will help to keep things cold longer. Having a lot of items in the freezer will also help to maintain temperatures. If you are in a season where you get frequent power outages, you can fill your freezer with water bottles to create ice and keep the temperatures low during an outage. DO: Get Water The average person needs about one gallon of water per day, so having extra water is a good bet. You may even want to get extra water for personal hygiene use in case local water treatment facilities are impacted by a storm. Keep a Light On If you keep a light turned on, you will be able to see when the power comes back on. Turn a Tap On To Drip During the cold winter weather, you may need to think about freezing temperatures and they will effect your pipes. You can prevent freezing pipes by turning your faucets on to a trickle. Make sure not to leave for long periods of time so you can monitor the faucets.
Keep Away from Downed Power Lines Make sure to call the power company to handle any down lines. Always stay away from downed power lines. Think About Getting a Home Standby Generator
With an Origen home standby generator, you won't need to worry about most of these do’s and don’ts. When an outage happens, your home generator is activated and delivers power throughout your home. When utility power is restored, your generator system will return power to the utility service. Getting an Origen home standby generator is safer and easier.